演员 Mark Duplass 在 NPR 的 Wild Card 上讨论了管理嫉妒、自我保健和支持兄弟姐妹的动态。 Actor Mark Duplass discussed managing envy, self-care, and supportive sibling dynamics on NPR's Wild Card.
演员马克·杜普拉斯 (Mark Duplass) 因在《早间秀》(The Morning Show)中的角色而闻名,他在 NPR 的 Wild Card 节目中讨论了他的创作之旅和心理健康。 Actor Mark Duplass, known for his role in "The Morning Show," discussed his creative journey and mental health on NPR's Wild Card. 他分享了通过自我保健和自我检查来管理嫉妒的策略。 He shared strategies for managing envy through self-care and self-examination. Duplass 回顾了他与兄弟 Jay 合作的演变,强调了他们的分离如何培养了一种支持性的关系,使他们能够在各自的艺术追求中互相加油,而没有竞争。 Duplass reflected on the evolution of his partnership with brother Jay, highlighting how their separation has fostered a supportive relationship, allowing them to cheer each other on in their individual artistic pursuits without competition.