有75岁的痴呆症患者Johnny Irby, 最后一次在威斯康辛州密尔沃基被发现,据报失踪。 75-year-old dementia patient Johnny Irby, last seen in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is reported missing.
有痴呆症的75岁的Johnny Irby据报在威斯康辛州布朗迪尔的家中失踪。 Seventy-five-year-old Johnny Irby, who has dementia, was reported missing from his home in Brown Deer, Wisconsin. 他最后一次露面是在周六上午 11 点左右在密尔沃基的谢尔曼大道和国会大厦大道附近。Irby 被描述为一名 6 英尺高、220 磅重的黑人男性,有灰色短发和棕色眼睛,戴着黑色退伍军人帽、格子夹克、灰色运动裤和黑色鞋子。 He was last seen on Saturday near Sherman Boulevard and Capitol Drive in Milwaukee around 11 a.m. Irby is described as a 6-foot tall, 220-pound Black male with short gray hair and brown eyes, wearing a black veterans cap, a plaid jacket, gray sweatpants, and black shoes. 当局在414-371-2900时索取资料。 Authorities seek information at 414-371-2900.