Wadworth酿酒厂在Devizes的零售外卖转换部分获得批准。 Wadworth Brewery receives partial approval for retail outlet conversion in Devizes.
Wadworth Brewerry得到Wiltshire理事会的部分批准,将Devizes Maryport街三冠酒吧旁边的一家空单位改为零售店,取代其以前的啤酒铺和商店。 Wadworth Brewery has received partial approval from Wiltshire Council to convert an empty unit next to the Three Crowns pub on Maryport Street, Devizes, into a retail outlet, replacing its former Brewery Tap and Shop. 虽然改变用途申请获得批准,但Wadworth仍在等待外部装饰许可,包括标志,11月13日前应作出决定。 While the change of use application was approved, Wadworth is still awaiting permission for external decorations, including signage, with a decision due by November 13. 酿酒厂旨在维持零售业,以应对高产品需求。 The brewery aims to sustain a retail presence in response to high product demand.