嫌疑人在奥罗拉的福克斯谷购物中心意外发现假枪后被捕,没有受伤,公共安全。 Suspect arrested after fake gun accidentally dischargs at Aurora's Fox Valley Mall, no injuries, public safe.
一名嫌犯在奥罗拉福克斯谷购物中心被捕,当时在下午4时39分左右,一辆假枪不小心发射了。 A suspect was arrested at Aurora's Fox Valley Mall after a fake gun accidentally discharged around 4:39 p.m. 仿造火器从嫌疑人的衣服上掉下来,朝地面开枪。 The imitation firearm fell from the suspect's clothing and fired upon hitting the ground. 虽然初次报告表明确有枪声,但没有人员受伤,警察很快逮捕了此人。 Although initial reports suggested a real gunshot, no injuries occurred, and police quickly apprehended the individual. 官方认为这是一起孤立的事件, 确认目前对公众没有威胁. Authorities have deemed the incident isolated, confirming there is no ongoing threat to the public. 此后,商场恢复了正常运营。 The mall has since returned to normal operations.