2021年调查将肉类加工厂的工作列为美国最不理想的工作,特别是在科罗拉多州,伊利诺伊州,爱荷华州和威斯康星州. 2021 survey ranks meatpacking plant work as the most undesirable job in the U.S., particularly in Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin.
最近的一项调查查明了美国最不受欢迎的工作,肉类包装厂的工作名列前茅,特别是在科罗拉多、伊利诺伊、爱荷华和威斯康辛。 A recent survey identified the most undesirable jobs in the U.S., with meatpacking plant work ranked highest, particularly in Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin. 其他毫无吸引力的职业包括阿拉巴马、阿拉斯加和佛罗里达的商业捕鱼,以及纽约和华盛顿的摩天大楼窗户清洁。 Other unappealing occupations include commercial fishing in Alabama, Alaska, and Florida, and skyscraper window cleaning in New York and Washington. 许多美国人回避这些角色,因为他们的艰难和危险条件,即使工资较高。 Many Americans avoid these roles due to their challenging and dangerous conditions, even when offered higher pay.