Somy Ali邀请黑帮份子Lawrence Bishnoi参加讨论, 讨论对前伴侣Salman Khan的威胁。 Somy Ali invites gangster Lawrence Bishnoi for a Zoom discussion to address threats against ex-partner Salman Khan.
Somy Ali是Bollywood演员Salman Khan的前合伙人,目的是与据称威胁Khan的流氓Lawrence Bishnoi促进和平。 Somy Ali, former partner of Bollywood actor Salman Khan, aims to foster peace with gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, who has allegedly threatened Khan. 她邀请Bishnoi参加一次讨论,以缓解Khan受到勒索威胁之后的紧张局势。 She invited Bishnoi for a Zoom discussion to ease tensions following extortion threats against Khan. Ali主张对话, 并强调该行业妇女安全的重要性。 Facing social media backlash, Ali advocates for dialogue and emphasizes the importance of women's safety in the industry. 此外,她谈到对过去涉及Khan的事件道歉是否适当。 Additionally, she addressed the appropriateness of apologies regarding past incidents involving Khan.