根据联盟的安全强调,费城老鹰队的巴克利因在跑步时降低头盔而被罚款 45,020 美元。 Philadelphia Eagles' Barkley fined $45,020 for lowering helmet during run, per league's safety emphasis.
费城老鹰队跑卫萨昆·巴克利 (Saquon Barkley) 因在对阵克利夫兰布朗队 (Cleveland Browns) 的比赛中降低头盔而被罚款 45,020 美元。 Philadelphia Eagles running back Saquon Barkley was fined $45,020 for lowering his helmet during a run against the Cleveland Browns. 这是第6周最大的罚款, 紧随其后的联盟强调 惩罚此类行动 以保障玩家安全。 This fine, the largest of Week 6, follows a league emphasis on penalizing such actions for player safety. 巴克利的季节很强劲,他将在本周日面对他的前团队,纽约巨人队。 Barkley, who has had a strong season, will face his former team, the New York Giants, this Sunday. 这起事件标志着他因类似行为第二次被罚款,因为他以前在与巨人队在一起时曾因此受到惩罚。 This incident marks his second fine for similar conduct, as he was penalized for it previously while with the Giants.