以色列总理内塔尼亚胡指控真主党在伊朗的支持下企图通过无人机攻击暗杀他和他的妻子。 Israeli PM Netanyahu accuses Hezbollah, backed by Iran, of attempting to assassinate him and his wife via drone attack.
以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡指控真主党在伊朗的支持下企图通过无人机袭击他和他的妻子在凯萨雷亚的住所来暗杀他们。 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Hezbollah, backed by Iran, of attempting to assassinate him and his wife through a drone attack on their residence in Caesarea. 他把这次行动说成是“严重错误”,并警告要对责任人造成严重影响。 He labeled the action a "grave mistake" and warned of severe repercussions for those responsible. 内塔尼亚胡强调以色列致力于该区域的安全和目标,声称这种威胁不会阻止该国采取行动。 Netanyahu emphasized Israel's commitment to its security and objectives in the region, asserting that such threats would not deter the country from its course of action.