独立候选人Jody Puffett在爱荷华第二国会区挑战现任GOP Rep. Ashley Hinson和民主党员Sarah Corkery。 Independent candidate Jody Puffett challenges incumbent GOP Rep. Ashley Hinson and Democrat Sarah Corkery in Iowa's 2nd Congressional District.
Jody Puffett, 退休保险执行官和终身共和党人, 正在爱荷华州第二国会区独立竞选, 对抗现任共和党人Ashley Hinson和民主挑战者Sarah Corkery。 Jody Puffett, a retired insurance executive and lifelong Republican, is running as an independent in Iowa's 2nd Congressional District against incumbent Republican Ashley Hinson and Democratic challenger Sarah Corkery. 帕菲特批评辛森的投票记录,特别是在对外援助和边境安全问题上,并主张期限限制和预算改革. Puffett criticizes Hinson's voting record, particularly on foreign aid and border security, and advocates for term limits and budget reforms. 首次候选人Corkery侧重于妇女的保健和教育,挑战Hinson关于堕胎和胰岛素费用的立场。 Corkery, a first-time candidate, focuses on women's healthcare and education, challenging Hinson's positions on abortion and insulin costs.