Gala Zohar Martinucci在罗马电影节为“Kick'Arsa”首映红地毯。Gala Zohar Martinucci made her red carpet debut at the Rome Film Festival for "Kick 'Arsa."
Gala Zohar Martinucci在罗马电影节为电影《Kick'Arsa》首映红地毯。Gala Zohar Martinucci made her red carpet debut at the Rome Film Festival for the film "Kick 'Arsa."这次活动展示了她的入场和对影片的贡献,标志着她在蓬勃发展的职业生涯中的重要时刻。The event showcased her entrance and contributions to the film, marking a significant moment in her burgeoning career.