前WWWE作家指控Vince McMahon培养欺凌、恐惧和性别主义的文化。 Former WWE writers accuse Vince McMahon of fostering a culture of bullying, fear, and sexism.
前WWWE创意团队作者指称文斯·麦克马洪在任职期间培养了欺凌、恐惧和性别歧视的文化。 Former WWE creative team writers allege that Vince McMahon fostered a culture of bullying, fear, and sexism during his tenure. 滚石杂志的一篇文章详细介绍了麦克马洪的不稳定行为,包括对剧本变更的愤怒,以及他进入时要求作家站起来. A Rolling Stone article details incidents of McMahon's volatile behavior, including anger over script changes and demanding writers stand when he entered. McMahon的发言人驳斥了这些说法,描述了一个更积极的工作环境。 McMahon's spokesperson refutes these claims, describing a more positive work environment. 这些指控是在McMahon在性不当行为丑闻中辞职后提出的。 These allegations arise following McMahon's resignation amid a sexual misconduct scandal.