据鸡蛋报告,住户每年可以节省509英镑的能源费用,安装太阳能电池板,2022年增长15%。 Egg reports households could save £509 annually on energy bills with solar panel installation and a 15% increase recorded in 2022.
根据清洁能源公司Egg的说法,家庭可以通过改用太阳能电池板,每年平均节省能源费用509英镑。 Households could save an average of £509 annually on energy bills by switching to solar panels, according to clean energy company Egg. 据报告,2018年至2023年期间,太阳能电池板装置增加了40%,去年明显增加了15%。 A 40% increase in solar panel installations was reported between 2018 and 2023, with a notable 15% rise in the last year. 艾格为太阳能电池板和电池提供0%年利率融资,五年还款计划可到 2024 年 11 月 30 日. Egg offers 0% APR financing for solar panels and batteries, with a five-year repayment plan available until November 30, 2024. 在客户满意度方面,该公司的信托试点评分为5分中的4.3分。 The company boasts a Trustpilot rating of 4.3 out of 5 for customer satisfaction.