乡村歌手Luke Combs和他的妻子Nicole参加了10月18日在迈阿密举行的Taylor Swift的Eras Tour音乐会。 Country singer Luke Combs and his wife, Nicole, attended Taylor Swift's Eras Tour concert in Miami on October 18.
乡村歌手Luke Combs和他的妻子Nicole参加了10月18日在迈阿密举行的Taylor Swift的Eras Tour音乐会, Country singer Luke Combs and his wife, Nicole, attended Taylor Swift's Eras Tour concert in Miami on October 18, marking the start of the final leg of the tour. Nicole分享了他们夜晚的照片 展示了她的名人主题服装 Nicole shared photos of their night, showcasing her Reputation-themed outfit. 自2023年3月以来一直进行的巡演将于12月在温哥华结束,成为Swift最长的152次巡演. The tour, ongoing since March 2023, will conclude in Vancouver in December, making it Swift's longest at 152 dates. combs最近完成了他自己的大范围的巡演 突显了这对夫妇宝贵的时间 Combs had recently finished his own extensive tour, highlighting the couple's cherished time together.