20岁的Fabrice Rumama因在佛蒙特州射杀Shawn Spiker而被捕,被控二级谋杀罪;Michael Perry受伤。 20-year-old Fabrice Rumama arrested and charged with second-degree murder for shooting death of Shawn Spiker in Vermont; Michael Perry injured.
来自马萨诸塞州Springfield的20岁的Fabrice Rumama因10月14日在佛蒙特州Waterbury的Sauden Spiker公园开枪打死34岁的Shawn Spiker,被捕并被控二级谋杀罪。 Fabrice Rumama, a 20-year-old from Springfield, Massachusetts, has been arrested and charged with second-degree murder for the shooting death of Shawn Spiker, 34, at Kneeland Flats Trailer Park in Waterbury, Vermont, on October 14. 第二个受害者,57岁的Michael Perry受伤并住院治疗。 A second victim, 57-year-old Michael Perry, was injured and hospitalized. Rumama没有保释, 10月21日的传讯预定在10月21日进行。 Rumama is being held without bail, with an arraignment set for October 21. 调查正在进行中,没有提出与佩里枪击事件有关的任何指控。 The investigation is ongoing, and no charges have been filed related to Perry's shooting.