50岁的重罪犯Glenn Gearhart在俄勒冈州罗斯堡被捕,罪名是贩毒和持有火器,共犯Hannah Fallert。 50-year-old convicted felon Glenn Gearhart arrested in Roseburg, Oregon for drug trafficking and firearms possession, with accomplice Hannah Fallert.
Glenn Gearhart, 50岁被定罪的重罪犯, 在俄勒冈州罗斯堡被捕, 经过高速追逐。 Glenn Gearhart, a 50-year-old convicted felon, was arrested in Roseburg, Oregon, following a high-speed chase. 道格拉斯机构间麻醉药品小组的调查员正在调查他被指控的贩毒和非法火器活动。 Investigators from the Douglas Interagency Narcotics Team were probing his alleged drug trafficking and illegal firearms activities. Gearhart拥有数件火器,他的汽车和住所内有大量甲基苯丙胺和芬太尼。 Gearhart possessed several firearms and had large quantities of methamphetamine and fentanyl in his vehicle and residence. 他的共犯Hannah Fallert也被逮捕。 His accomplice, Hannah Fallert, was also arrested. 两人都面临多重严重指控。 Both face multiple serious charges.