威斯康星州参议院候选人鲍德温和霍夫德在一场有争议的辩论中就社会保障、堕胎和保健问题发生冲突。 Wisconsin Senate candidates Baldwin and Hovde clash over Social Security, abortion, and healthcare in a contentious debate.
在一场有争议的辩论中,威斯康星州参议院候选人Eric Hovde(共和党)和现任候选人Tammy Baldwin(民主党)互相指责对方在社会保障、堕胎和保健等问题上撒谎。 In a contentious debate, Wisconsin Senate candidates Eric Hovde (Republican) and incumbent Tammy Baldwin (Democrat) accused each other of lying over issues like Social Security, abortion, and healthcare. Hovde对Baldwin关于与其伴侣投资有关的财务披露提出质疑,暗示存在利益冲突,而Baldwin则批评Hovde过去支持推翻Roe诉Wade案。 Hovde challenged Baldwin on financial disclosures related to her partner's investments, suggesting a conflict of interest, while Baldwin criticized Hovde's past support for overturning Roe v. Wade. 这次辩论在麦迪逊举行,基本上忽略了更广泛的总统竞选讨论。 The debate, hosted in Madison, largely omitted broader presidential race discussions.