吸血鬼喜剧"我们在阴影中做什么"在BBC iPlayer上播放, 排名96%; 美国最后一季于10月21日首播. "What We Do In The Shadows" vampire comedy streaming on BBC iPlayer with 96% Rotten Tomatoes rating; final US season premieres Oct 21.
广受好评的喜剧系列《我们在阴影中做什么》以生活在斯塔滕岛的吸血鬼为主角,现在正在 BBC iPlayer 上播放,并在烂番茄上拥有 96% 的评分。 The acclaimed comedy series "What We Do In The Shadows," featuring vampires living in Staten Island, is now streaming on BBC iPlayer and boasts a 96% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. 10月21日在美国FX的最后一季首映赛 The final season premieres on FX in the US on October 21. 批评者赞美这个节目的幽默和讽刺, 把它比作MTV的《真实世界》。 Critics laud the show for its humor and satire, likening it to a spoof of MTV's "The Real World." 此外,BBC iPlayer 还推出了“每集尖叫”部分,其中包含其他以恐怖为主题的节目。 Additionally, BBC iPlayer has launched a 'Scream Every Episode' section with other spooky-themed shows.