尼日利亚艺术家Davido和Wizkid的争斗在伦敦夜总会碰面后升级。 Nigerian artists Davido and Wizkid's rivalry escalated after an encounter at a London nightclub.
尼日利亚艺术家 Davido 和 Wizkid 最近在伦敦一家夜总会相遇后,他们的竞争加剧了。 Nigerian artists Davido and Wizkid's rivalry intensified after a recent encounter at a London nightclub. Davido 的助手 Isreal DMW 在社交媒体上支持他,给 Wizkid 贴上了“在线噪音制造者”的标签,并声称 Wizkid 在看到 Davido 时显得很紧张。 Isreal DMW, Davido's aide, supported him on social media, labeling Wizkid an "online noise maker" and claiming Wizkid appeared nervous upon seeing Davido. 据报告说,两名艺术家在俱乐部中互相视而不见,Wizkid在那里支持他的DJ。 The two artists reportedly ignored each other at the club, where Wizkid was there to support his DJ. 网友们在网络上不断争吵, 引起人们的极大关注和不同反应。 Their ongoing feud has drawn significant attention and varied reactions from fans online.