前联合部长Yatnal在印度因据称侮辱甘地、Siddaramaiah和穆斯林社区而被控在印度发表仇恨言论。 Ex-Union Minister Yatnal charged with hate speech in India for allegedly insulting Gandhi, Siddaramaiah, and the Muslim community.
前联邦部长巴萨纳古达·帕蒂尔·亚特纳尔 (Basanagouda Patil Yatnal) 在接到仇恨言论投诉后被印度维贾亚普拉警方起诉。 Former Union Minister Basanagouda Patil Yatnal has been charged by Vijayapura Police in India following a complaint of hate speech. 市议会成员 Parashuram Baburao Hosamani 指责 Yatnal 在 2024 年 10 月 15 日的一次公共活动中对国大党领袖拉胡尔·甘地、首席部长 Siddaramaiah 和穆斯林社区发表贬损言论。 Municipal Council member Parashuram Baburao Hosamani accused Yatnal of making derogatory remarks against Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, and the Muslim community during a public event on October 15, 2024. 指控包括故意侮辱和煽动破坏和平。 The charges include intentional insult and provoking a breach of peace.