英国奥罗拉观察组织的安珀警报 预测今晚在牛津郡可见的北极光 Amber Alert from AuroraWatch UK predicts Northern Lights visible in Oxfordshire tonight.
Ourora Watch UK的安珀警报显示,从晚上11点开始,今晚可在牛津郡看到北极光,即Aurora Borealis。 An amber alert from AuroraWatch UK suggests that the Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis, may be visible in Oxfordshire tonight, starting at 11 pm. 这种现象通常在高纬度地区出现,今年在联合王国已多次出现。 This phenomenon, typically seen in high-latitude regions, has already been spotted multiple times in the UK this year. 当太阳带电粒子与地球磁场和大气发生相互作用时,就会出现多彩的显示。 The colorful display occurs when charged particles from the sun interact with the Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere. 可见度可能受到云层覆盖的影响。 Visibility may be affected by cloud cover.