来自阿德莱德港的 36 岁的特拉维斯·博克 (Travis Boak) 与第 19 个 AFL 赛季续约一年。 36-year-old Travis Boak of Port Adelaide signs one-year extension for 19th AFL season.
阿德莱德港的老将特拉维斯·博克 (Travis Boak) 签署了一份为期一年的续约合同,确保他将在 2025 年以 36 岁的年龄参加他的第 19 个 AFL 赛季。 Travis Boak, a veteran of Port Adelaide, has signed a one-year contract extension, ensuring he will play his 19th AFL season in 2025 at age 36. 前船长Boak取得了重大里程碑,包括350多次比赛和多次全澳大利亚选赛。 Boak, a former captain, has achieved significant milestones, including over 350 games and multiple All-Australian selections. 阿德莱德港名单经理赞扬了他的领导和导师。 Port Adelaide's list manager praised his leadership and mentorship. Boak对小组的未来表示热情,并感谢他的家人支持他决定继续玩耍。 Boak expressed enthusiasm for the team's future and acknowledged his family's support in his decision to continue playing.