Rumer Willis赞扬父母在离婚24年后的长久友谊和共同父母关系。 Rumer Willis praises parents' enduring friendship and co-parenting after 24-year divorce.
Rumer Willis, Bruce Willis和Demi Moore的女儿,赞扬她父母在24年离婚之后的长久友谊和牢固的双亲模式。 Rumer Willis, daughter of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore, commended her parents for their enduring friendship and strong co-parenting model following their 24-year divorce. 在一次访谈中,她强调了她母亲对家庭的支持,特别是在布鲁斯痴呆症诊断期间。 In an interview, she highlighted her mother's support for the family, especially during Bruce's dementia diagnosis. Rumer强调她父母的关系如何激励她与前Derek Richard Thomas共同为人父母, Rumer emphasized how her parents' relationship inspires her own co-parenting with ex Derek Richard Thomas, maintaining that their bond has kept the family united.