KONKA集团在第136次广州博览会上揭幕了230,000个背光地带的110英寸8K电视。 110-inch 8K TV with 230,000 backlight zones unveiled by KONKA Group at the 136th Canton Fair.
KONKA Group正在揭幕第136次广州博览会的一台110英寸8K的破土电视, KONKA Group is unveiling a groundbreaking 110-inch 8K TV featuring over 230,000 backlight zones at the 136th Canton Fair. 这种超小型AI-LED电视示范了先进的微型LED技术和像素级灯级控制。 This Ultra Mini AI-LED TV exemplifies advanced MiniLED technology and pixel-level light control. 该公司还重点展示了一台144Hz OLED电视和一台100英寸的微型微型LED模型。 The company also highlights a 144Hz OLED TV and a 100-inch MiniLED model. KONKA的广泛产品系列包括各种家用电器,反映了其成功的国际扩展和对创新的承诺。 KONKA's extensive product lineup includes various home appliances, reflecting its successful international expansion and commitment to innovation.