Disney+ 将于 10 月 18 日首播《Rivals》,这是一部根据 Jilly Cooper 的小说改编的电视剧,探讨了上流社会的电视竞争。 Disney+ premieres "Rivals", a drama series based on Jilly Cooper's novel, exploring upper-class TV rivalry, on October 18.
迪斯尼+将在10月18日以吉莉库珀的小说为根据, 首映戏剧系列《Rivals》。 Disney+ will premiere the drama series "Rivals" on October 18, based on Jilly Cooper's novel. 它以 1980 年代为背景,以大卫·田纳特 (David Tennant) 饰演的电视老板托尼·巴丁汉姆勋爵 (Lord Tony Baddingham) 与亚历克斯·哈塞尔 (Alex Hassell) 饰演的前奥运选手鲁珀特·坎贝尔-布莱克 (Rupert Campbell-Black) 之间的竞争为中心。 Set in the 1980s, it centers on the rivalry between TV boss Lord Tony Baddingham, portrayed by David Tennant, and ex-Olympian Rupert Campbell-Black, played by Alex Hassell. 该节目探讨了上流社会电视场景中的爱情、野心和权力主题,拥有出色的演员阵容,并确保为亲密场景提供安全的工作环境。 The show explores themes of love, ambition, and power within the upper-class TV scene, featuring a notable cast and ensuring a safe working environment for intimate scenes.