17岁的Scotty和16岁的Sebastian Bass是两个十几岁的兄弟,据称在华盛顿Poulsbo被他们的23岁的弟弟Seth South杀害。 17-year-old Scotty and 16-year-old Sebastian Bass, two teenage brothers, were allegedly murdered by their 23-year-old brother, Seth South, in Poulsbo, Washington.
在华盛顿Poulsbo,一家人正在哀悼两名十几岁的兄弟(17岁的Scotty和16岁的Sebastian Bass)的损失,据称他们于10月9日被23岁的兄弟Seth South杀害。 In Poulsbo, Washington, a family is mourning the loss of two teenage brothers, 17-year-old Scotty and 16-year-old Sebastian Bass, who were allegedly murdered by their 23-year-old brother, Seth South, on October 9. South 在一次追捕后被捕,并面临两项二级谋杀罪和一项袭击指控。 South was arrested after a manhunt and faces two counts of second-degree murder and an assault charge. 该家庭发起了一个GoFundMe,在他们应付悲剧时协助他们搬迁和丧葬费用。 The family has initiated a GoFundMe to assist with relocation and funeral costs as they cope with the tragedy.