来自阿拉巴马州的 37 岁凯尔·西利 (Kyle Seeley) 承认用砍刀袭击六名家庭成员并发射燃烧瓶,被判处 25 年监禁。 37-year-old Kyle Seeley from Alabama pleaded guilty to assaulting six family members with a machete and launching a Molotov cocktail, receiving a 25-year prison sentence.
来自阿拉巴马州劳德代尔县的37岁的Kyle Seeley对2021年5月一起暴力事件的三起一级攻击罪认罪,当时他用一把砍刀袭击了六名家庭成员,包括他的子女,并在他父母家里发射了莫洛托夫燃烧弹。 Kyle Seeley, a 37-year-old from Lauderdale County, Alabama, pleaded guilty to three counts of first-degree assault for a violent incident in May 2021, where he attacked six family members, including his children, with a machete and launched a Molotov cocktail at his parents' home. 他最初被控谋杀未遂,接受了认罪协议,被判处25年监禁,避免审判。 Originally charged with attempted murder, he accepted a plea deal and was sentenced to 25 years in prison, avoiding a trial. 与警察的对峙持续了几个小时。 The standoff with police lasted several hours.