第50届尼康小型世界年度竞赛,由布鲁诺·西斯特纳的小鼠脑瘤细胞图像获胜;竞赛旨在激发对微观世界的好奇心. 50th annual Nikon Small World competition, won by Bruno Cisterna's mouse brain tumor cell image; competition aims to inspire curiosity about microscopic world.
尼康的 Small World 显微摄影比赛现已进入第 50 个年头,收到了来自 80 个国家的 2,100 份参赛作品。 Nikon's Small World photomicrography competition, now in its 50th year, received 2,100 entries from 80 countries. 布鲁诺·西斯特纳在老鼠脑肿瘤细胞的图像中赢得第一位, 突出显示了与阿尔茨海默氏病等疾病有关的细胞中断。 Bruno Cisterna won first place for his image of mouse brain tumor cells, highlighting cell disruptions linked to diseases like Alzheimer's. Marcel Clemens和Chris Romaine分别以电弧和大麻叶的图像居第二位和第三位。 Marcel Clemens and Chris Romaine took second and third place, respectively, with images of an electrical arc and a cannabis leaf. 比赛的目的是激发人们对微小世界的好奇心。 The competition aims to inspire curiosity about the microscopic world.