研究人员发现了免疫疗法在肝癌中成功预测的生物标志物,突出了NBR1的作用和潜在的治疗策略. Researchers discovered biomarkers for immunotherapy success prediction in liver cancer, highlighting the role of NBR1 and potential therapeutic strategies.
Weill Cornell Medicine的研究人员已经确定了用于预测肝癌(肝细胞癌)免疫疗法成功与否的生物标志。 Researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine have identified biomarkers for predicting immunotherapy success in liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma). 他们的研究发表在分子细胞上, 突显了NBR1蛋白质在肝细胞中的作用。 Their study, published in Molecular Cell, highlights the role of the protein NBR1 in hepatic stellate cells. NBR1水平高可能表明免疫疗法反应不良。 High NBR1 levels may indicate poor immunotherapy response. 降低NBR1的战略在动物模型中显示出肿瘤缩小效应,为不对现有治疗作出反应的病人建议了新的治疗途径。 Strategies to lower NBR1 showed tumor-shrinking effects in animal models, suggesting new therapeutic avenues for patients who do not respond to existing treatments.