都柏林 MetroLink 新任首席执行官 Sean Sweeney 获得了合同变更,包括在公共支出部的批准下取消试用期和取消裁员条款。 New Dublin MetroLink CEO, Sean Sweeney, secured contract changes, including probation elimination and layoff clause removal with the Department of Public Expenditure's approval.
新任命的都柏林MetroLink项目首席执行官Sean Sweeney要求修改其550 000欧元的年度合同,目的是取消试用期和与项目暂停有关的解雇条款。 Sean Sweeney, newly appointed CEO of Dublin's MetroLink project, requested changes to his €550,000 annual contract, aiming to eliminate a probationary period and a layoff clause linked to project suspension. 他还要求获得汽车津贴,而不是电动车辆津贴,以及选择退出公务员养恤金计划以获得额外付款的选择。 He also sought a car allowance instead of an electric vehicle and the option to opt out of the public service pension scheme for an added payment. 公共支出部认可了这些修正案,确认需要争取一名合格的候选人。 The Department of Public Expenditure approved these amendments, recognizing the need to secure a qualified candidate.