机动警察寻求公众帮助寻找与 7 月 27 日贝莱尔购物中心抢劫案有关的 Carlaysia Brisker。 Mobile Police seek public help in locating Carlaysia Brisker, linked to a July 27 Bel Air Mall robbery.
机动警察局正在寻求帮助,寻找与 2023 年 7 月 27 日在 Bel Air Mall 发生的抢劫案有关的 Carlaysia Brisker。 The Mobile Police Department is asking for help in finding Carlaysia Brisker, linked to a robbery at Bel Air Mall on July 27, 2023. 两名妇女接近一名受害者,偷走她携带现金的钱包,在警察到来之前逃走。 Two women approached a victim, stealing her purse containing cash, and fled before police arrived. Brisker是唯一查明的嫌疑人。 Brisker is the only identified suspect. 任何人如果知道她的下落,应联系机动警察署,或通过其网站提交匿名消息。 Anyone with information on her whereabouts should contact the Mobile Police Department or submit an anonymous tip through their website.