要求塔朗加市议会将新西兰的山热水池的开放时间从上午7点改为上午6点. Locals petition Tauranga City Council to change Mount Hot Pools' opening time from 7am to 6am in New Zealand.
新西兰芒格努伊山的当地人正在向陶朗加市议会请愿,要求将热池山的开放时间从早上 7 点改回早上 6 点。 Locals in Mount Maunganui, New Zealand, are petitioning the Tauranga City Council to change the Mount Hot Pools' opening time from 7am back to 6am. 他们争辩说,较晚的时间表排除了早晨游泳者,并导致用户之间发生冲突。 They argue the later schedule excludes early-morning swimmers and has led to conflicts among users. 这份有 127 个签名的请愿书强调,该国大多数其他游泳池都提前开放。 The petition, with 127 signatures, highlights that most other pools in the country open earlier. 理事会正在审查关于可能改变工作时间的请愿书。 The council is reviewing the petition for potential changes to the hours.