Jim Cramer 在“Mad Money”上为 Oracle、Abbott Labs、Palantir、GXO Logistics 和 Sweetgreen 背书。 Jim Cramer endorsed Oracle, Abbott Labs, Palantir, GXO Logistics, and Sweetgreen on "Mad Money".
Jim Cramer提供了对各种股票的快速洞察力。 On "Mad Money," Jim Cramer provided quick insights on various stocks. 他赞扬了 Oracle 的数据中心功能,更喜欢 Abbott Labs 而不是 AbbVie,并推荐了 Palantir 而不是 Core Scientific。 He praised Oracle for its data center capabilities, preferred Abbott Labs over AbbVie, and recommended Palantir instead of Core Scientific. Cramer对Clover Health持谨慎态度, 尽管它有其长处, 并建议持有GXO物流公司, Cramer was cautious about Clover Health, despite its strengths, and advised holding GXO Logistics, calling it valuable. 他还赞扬Sweetgreen是一项“巨大的”投资。 He also lauded Sweetgreen as a "terrific" investment. CNBC投资俱乐部慈善信托基金拥有Abbott实验室股份。 The CNBC Investing Club Charitable Trust owns Abbott Laboratories shares.