IO互动开发原创的詹姆斯邦德三部曲游戏,007项目,以年轻邦德为主。 IO Interactive develops original James Bond trilogy game, Project 007, featuring a younger Bond.
以《杀手》系列而闻名的 IO Interactive 正在开发一款名为 Project 007 的新詹姆斯·邦德游戏。 IO Interactive, known for the Hitman series, is developing a new James Bond game titled Project 007. 这场比赛将在一个原创故事中 以一个年轻的邦德为主 与任何电影改编不同 目的是要启动三部曲 The game will feature a younger Bond in an original story, distinct from any movie adaptations, and aims to kick off a trilogy. 首席执行官Hakan Abrak指出,发展进展顺利,投资办公室为游戏提供了全部资金并出版了游戏。 CEO Hakan Abrak noted that development is progressing well, and the game is fully funded and published by IO. 粉丝们可以很快期待更多细节, 因为工作室试图重新定义博彩世界中的邦德。 Fans can expect more details soon, as the studio seeks to redefine Bond in the gaming world.