英国汇丰银行为国际抵押贷款申请人采用新技术,使用外国信贷历史而不翻译。 HSBC UK introduces a new tech for international mortgage applicants, using foreign credit history without translation.
英国汇丰银行推出了一项新技术,以简化国际购房者的抵押贷款申请,允许他们利用国外的信用历史而无需翻译报告。 HSBC UK has launched a new technology to simplify mortgage applications for international homebuyers, allowing them to use their credit history from abroad without needing to translate reports. 这项服务向来自澳大利亚、瑞士、菲律宾和美国的申请人提供,在新信贷的帮助下,将各种信贷局联系纳入一个简化程序。 This service, available to applicants from Australia, Switzerland, the Philippines, and the U.S., integrates various credit bureau connections into one streamlined process with the help of Nova Credit. 该倡议旨在增加符合条件的国际客户获得英国抵押贷款的机会。 The initiative aims to enhance access to UK mortgages for eligible international customers.