Google 在其服务中添加了因纽特语翻译,这标志着首次包含原住民、梅蒂斯语或因纽特语。 Google adds Inuktut translation to its service, marking the first inclusion of a First Nations, Métis, or Inuit language.
Google在其翻译服务中增加了因努伊特语(加拿大、格陵兰和阿拉斯加的因努伊特语的一种土著语言), Google has added Inuktut, an Indigenous language spoken by Inuit in Canada, Greenland, and Alaska, to its translation service, marking the first inclusion of a First Nations, Métis, or Inuit language. 这是谷歌努力创建支持1,000种语言的单一AI语言模式的一部分。 This is part of Google's effort to create a single AI language model supporting 1,000 languages. 该公司与因努伊特·塔皮里特·卡纳塔米合作,以确保准确的表述,使用户能够将Inuktut书面文字翻译成英文,反之亦然。 The company collaborated with Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami to ensure accurate representation, allowing users to translate written Inuktut to English and vice versa.