56岁的Shabir Hussain是Akbar餐馆连锁店的创始人,死于癌症;他的餐馆在重新开业前关闭供敬礼。 56-year-old Shabir Hussain, founder of Akbar's restaurant chain, died from cancer; his restaurants closed for tribute before reopening.
Shabir Hussain是Akbar餐厅连锁店的创始人,56岁死于癌症。 Shabir Hussain, founder of the Akbar's restaurant chain, has died at 56 from cancer. 他于1995年在布拉德福德开设了第一家阿克巴尔店, 业务扩大到英国近十几个地点. He opened the first Akbar's in Bradford in 1995, growing the business to nearly a dozen locations across the UK. Akbar的所有餐馆于10月16日和17日关闭, 10月18日下午5时重新开放。 In tribute to him, all Akbar's restaurants closed on October 16 and 17, reopening on October 18 at 5 PM. 来自朋友和同事的嘉宾强调了侯赛因对餐馆业的影响力和灵感。 Tributes from friends and colleagues highlight Hussain's influence and inspiration in the restaurant industry.