Monika Zytowiecka38岁的美容主义者Monika Zytowiecka在脸书广告的加密货币骗局中损失了4000英镑。 38-year-old beautician Monika Zytowiecka lost £4,000 in a cryptocurrency scam through a Facebook ad.
Monika Zytowiecka是一位38岁的美容师, 在一个加密货币骗局中损失近4000英镑, Monika Zytowiecka, a 38-year-old beautician, lost nearly £4,000 in a cryptocurrency scam after responding to a Facebook ad for a part-time side hustle. 该计划涉及在线订购以提高企业评级,要求她反复用自己的钱“补充”预算。 The scheme involved making online orders to boost business ratings, requiring her to repeatedly 'top up' her budget with her own money. 尽管她报告了骗局 她的银行和Action Fraud 都说他们帮不了她 Despite reporting the scam, both her bank and Action Fraud stated they couldn't assist her. Monika警告其他人要小心类似骗局。 Monika warns others to be cautious of similar scams.