温哥华房东 Pender Lodge 的业主 Peter Thanas 挑战新的省级租金冻结法,尽管之前在法庭上获胜。 Vancouver landlord Pender Lodge's owner, Peter Thanas, challenges new provincial rent-freeze law despite prior court win.
温哥华Pender Lodge房主Peter Thanas对新的省空缺控制法感到沮丧。 新的省空缺控制法阻止他在前一位房客搬出后为新房客提高租金。 Peter Thanas, owner of Vancouver's Pender Lodge, is frustrated by new provincial vacancy control laws that prevent him from raising rents for new tenants after a previous tenant moves out. 这项法律旨在保护弱势居民免受剥削房东的剥削,尽管Thanas早先以类似理由在法院胜诉温哥华市,但该法还是得以颁布。 This law, aimed at protecting vulnerable residents from exploitative landlords, was enacted despite Thanas's earlier court victory against the City of Vancouver on similar grounds. 他认为这项法律阻碍了他的生意,并质疑鉴于他赢得了法律胜利,其合理性。 He believes the law hampers his business and questions its rationale given his legal win.