Hawaii System大学推出Nā pio Kaáapeha, 以提高夏威夷土著学生在STEAM途径的入学率和毕业率。 University of Hawaiʻi System launches Nā ʻŌpio Kaʻapeha to boost Native Hawaiian student enrollment and graduation in STEAM pathways.
哈瓦伊大学推出了纳奥皮奥卡佩哈 (Nā ʻŌpio Kaʻapeha) 计划,旨在促进本地夏威夷学生的入学和毕业,重点是STEAM途径. The University of Hawaiʻi System has launched Nā ʻŌpio Kaʻapeha, a program aimed at boosting Native Hawaiian student enrollment and graduation, focusing on STEAM pathways. 其中包括夏威夷浸礼会学生的实践经验,例如最近对加利福尼亚的实地考察。 It includes hands-on experiences for Hawaiian immersion students, such as a recent field trip to California. 此外,UH Maui学院正在鼓励2025年春天的应用,为受最近火灾影响的学生提供各种方案和支助。 Additionally, UH Maui College is encouraging Spring 2025 applications, offering diverse programs and support for students affected by recent fires. Hawai'i社区学院庆祝了80年的教育,现在开设了由美国农业部赠款资助的屠宰课程。 Hawai'i Community College celebrates 80 years of education, now introducing a butchery course funded by a USDA grant.