英国的研究没有发现有任何证据表明坚果过敏原通过飞机的空调传播;主要风险是坚果残留在表面. UK study finds no evidence of nut allergens spreading through aircraft air conditioning; primary risk is nut residues on surfaces.
伦敦帝国理工学院的一项英国研究得出结论,坚果过敏原不会通过飞机的空调传播,主要风险是坚果残留在表面. A UK study by Imperial College London concludes that nut allergens do not spread through aircraft air conditioning, with the primary risk being nut residues on surfaces. 它建议,具有过敏性坚果的乘客应首先登机清理他们的地区,并建议航空公司提供一般使用的肾上腺素自动注射器。 It suggests that passengers with nut allergies should board first to clean their areas and recommends airlines provide general-use adrenaline autoinjectors. 研究还表明,禁止坚果的公告可能会对空气中的过敏物造成虚假的安全感。 The study also indicates that announcements banning nuts may create a false sense of security regarding airborne allergens.