在一位客人称 1915 年亚美尼亚杀戮为“种族灭绝”后,土耳其吊销了 Acik Radyo 的执照。 Turkey revoked Acik Radyo's license after a guest called 1915 Armenian killings "genocide".
土耳其广播当局RTüK关闭了伊斯坦布尔电台Acik Radyo, 一名客人将1915年杀害亚美尼亚人称为种族灭绝。 Turkey's broadcasting authority, RTÜK, has shut down Acik Radyo, an Istanbul station, after a guest referred to the 1915 killings of Armenians as genocide. 该电台以倡导人权和少数群体问题著称,在许可证被吊销之前,曾面临事先暂停运行的情况。 The station, known for advocating human rights and minority issues, had faced prior suspensions before its license was revoked. Acik Radyo计划对这一决定提出上诉。 Acik Radyo plans to appeal the decision. 土耳其的立场否定了种族灭绝的标签,而许多国家正式承认这一标签。 Turkey's stance denies the genocide label, while many countries officially recognize it. 国家在全球新闻自由方面排名第158位。 The nation ranks 158th in press freedom globally.