研究显示,冷冻巧克力会影响口味和外观;最佳储存在54-64°F的干暗橱柜中。 Study shows refrigerating chocolate affects taste and appearance; optimal storage is in a dry, dark cupboard at 54-64°F.
最近的一项研究表明,冷藏巧克力并不是最佳选择,因为它会吸收其他食物的味道,失去味道,并因水分引起的糖分膨胀而变色。 A recent study reveals that refrigerating chocolate is not optimal, as it can absorb other food flavors, lose taste, and develop discoloration due to moisture-induced sugar bloom. 食物储存专家Joshua Houston建议将巧克力储存在一个干燥的柜子里,温度在54至64华氏度(12至18摄氏度)之间,以保持其质量。 Food storage expert Joshua Houston recommends storing chocolate in a dry cupboard at temperatures between 54 to 64 degrees Fahrenheit (12 to 18 degrees Celsius) to maintain its quality. 使用密封的容器 防止它远离直接光线 进一步保护了巧克力 Using an airtight container and keeping it away from direct light further protects the chocolate.