Jerry Seinfeld收回了有关左翼极端破坏性喜剧的说法,并呼吁喜剧演员适应文化转变。 Jerry Seinfeld retracts claims about extreme left damaging comedy and calls for comedians to adapt to cultural shifts.
Jerry Seinfeld收回了他先前的说法,即“极端左派”和政治正确性正在破坏喜剧。 Jerry Seinfeld has retracted his earlier claims that the "extreme left" and political correctness are damaging comedy. 在接受 " 断裂面包播客 " 采访时,他承认他以前的说法是不正确的。 In an interview on the Breaking Bread podcast, he acknowledged that his previous statements were incorrect. Seinfeld强调,喜剧演员应当适应文化转变,而不是将挑战归咎于外部因素。 Seinfeld emphasized that comedians should adapt to cultural shifts rather than blame external factors for their challenges. 他呼吁与当代观众共鸣的幽默感, He called for humor that resonates with contemporary audiences, reinforcing the comedian's role in navigating today's topics.