Nutrikosh India Pvt Ltd试图增强50 000名农民的市场准入和定价能力。 Agritech startup Nutrikosh India Pvt Ltd seeks to empower 50,000 farmers with better market access and pricing.
Nutrikosh India Pvt Ltd (Nkosh)是2021年6月11日创办的农业技术公司,旨在改变印度的农业价值链。 Nutrikosh India Pvt Ltd (Nkosh), an agritech startup founded on June 11, 2021, seeks to transform the agricultural value chain in India. 其目的是通过增加市场准入和为其产品提供更好的定价,增强50 000多名农民的权能。 It aims to empower over 50,000 farmers by enhancing market access and enabling better pricing for their produce. 通过将技术与传统实践结合起来, Nkosh 与各种组织建立了合作关系, 迅速在该领域获得了认可. Utilizing a "Phygital" approach that combines technology with traditional practices, Nkosh has established partnerships with various organizations and has quickly gained recognition in the sector.