24岁的奥运游泳运动员汤姆·迪恩(Tom Dean)在“严格来跳舞”上创办了一所游泳学校,为得不到充分服务的儿童免费提供1 000个课程。 24-year-old Olympic swimmer Tom Dean, who was on Strictly Come Dancing, launched a swim school offering 1,000 free classes for underserved kids.
24 岁的奥运游泳运动员、前 Strictly Come Dancing 参赛者汤姆·迪恩 (Tom Dean) 将这场表演描述为精神挑战,类似于奥运会。 Tom Dean, a 24-year-old Olympic swimmer and former contestant on Strictly Come Dancing, described the show as mentally challenging, akin to the Olympics. 他和他的伙伴Nadya Bychkova是第一个被消灭的人。 He and his partner Nadiya Bychkova were the first eliminated. 尽管如此,Dean还是很享受这种经历。 Despite this, Dean enjoyed the experience. 他与威尔士王储和王妃皇家基金会合作,开办了Tom Dean Swim学校,旨在为服务不足的儿童提供1 000个免费游泳班,惠及超过12 000人。 He has launched the Tom Dean Swim School, aiming to offer 1,000 free swimming classes for underserved kids, in partnership with The Royal Foundation of The Prince and Princess of Wales, reaching over 12,000 people.