Viking' Risner在背部受伤后返回练习, 参加现役名册有21天时间, 有资格参加10月20日的比赛。 Vikings' Risner returns to practice after back injury, has 21 days to join active roster, eligible for Oct 20 game.
美国的左后卫达尔顿·里斯纳 (Dalton Risner) 在背部受伤后重返训练场. Dalton Risner, a starting left guard for the Minnesota Vikings, is back in practice after a back injury. 他有一个21天的窗口要加入现役名册, 从10月20日起, 他可能有资格参加对狮子队的比赛。 He has a 21-day window to be added to the active roster, with potential game eligibility starting October 20 against the Lions. 里斯纳打了 77 场 NFL 比赛中的 73 场,他渴望为这支 5-0 的球队做出贡献,他可能在右后卫位置上与埃德·英格拉姆竞争。 Risner, who has played 73 of 77 NFL games, is eager to contribute to the 5-0 team, potentially at right guard, competing with Ed Ingram. 他的返回为维京人的进攻线增添了深度和经验。 His return adds depth and experience to the Vikings' offensive line.