田纳西州际公路巡逻队寻求公众帮助,以查明在罗恩县40号州际公路发现的一名受重伤的黑人妇女。 Tennessee Highway Patrol seeks public help to identify a seriously injured Black woman found on Interstate 40 in Roane County.
田纳西公路巡逻队(THP)正在寻求公共援助,以查明10月13日在罗恩县40号州际公路发现一名受重伤的黑人妇女。 The Tennessee Highway Patrol (THP) is seeking public assistance to identify a seriously injured Black woman found along Interstate 40 in Roane County on October 13. 她在紧急通道341英里标记处被发现后,被送往田纳西大学医疗中心。 Discovered at mile marker 341 in the emergency lane, she was transported to the University of Tennessee Medical Center. 当局要求提供关于她身份或受伤情况的任何信息。 Authorities request any information about her identity or circumstances surrounding her injuries. 联系THP Knoxville区调度中心 865-544-3380分机0 Contact THP Knoxville District Dispatch at 865-544-3380, Extension 0.