尽管周六下雨,但2021年澳大利亚的Taree Show在狗,牛,家禽和工艺品类别中获得了高参与率的记录. 2021 Taree Show in Australia set records with high participation in dog, cattle, poultry, and craft categories, despite rain on Saturday.
澳大利亚的Taree Show今年创下记录, The Taree Show in Australia set records this year with high participation in categories like dogs, cattle, poultry, and crafts. 狗锦标赛展有 291 个参赛作品,而家禽部分由于需求旺盛而不得不关闭参赛作品。 The dog championship show featured 291 entries, while the poultry section had to close entries due to overwhelming demand. 尽管星期六下雨,但出席人数仍然很大,社区的支持显而易见。 Despite rain on Saturday, attendance remained strong, and community support was evident. 一个亮点是以美国野牛 Rawhide 为特色的 Rooftop Express Show,为活动的成功做出了贡献。 A highlight was the Rooftop Express Show featuring Rawhide the American bison, contributing to the event's success.