克里夫·理查德爵士在澳大利亚启动了"现在不能阻止我"世界巡回演出,共有7场演出. Sir Cliff Richard launches "Can't Stop Me Now" world tour in Australia, featuring 7 performances.
英国著名音乐家克里夫·理查德爵士(Cliff Richard)将于2025年推出他的“现在不能阻止我”世界巡演, Sir Cliff Richard, the iconic British musician, will launch his "Can't Stop Me Now" world tour in 2025, featuring seven performances across Australia. 巡回演出将于11月1日在珀斯开始, The tour kicks off in Perth on November 1 and includes stops in Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane. 已售出超过 2.5 亿张唱片的理查德将表演《Living Doll》和《We Don't Talk Anymore》等经典热门歌曲。 Richard, who has sold over 250 million records, will perform classic hits like "Living Doll" and "We Don't Talk Anymore." 预售票将于10月16日起发放,一般销售将从10月18日起发放。 Pre-sale tickets will be available from October 16, with general sales starting on October 18.