马拉亚拉姆演员Jayasurya在2008年和2013年面临一名女艺术家的性骚扰指控。 Malayalam actor Jayasurya faces sexual harassment allegations from a female artist in 2008 and 2013.
马拉雅拉姆语演员 Jayasurya 面临一名女艺术家的性骚扰指控,他强烈否认,称这些指控毫无根据。 Malayalam actor Jayasurya faces sexual harassment allegations from a female artist, which he vehemently denies, calling them baseless. 索赔可追溯到2008年和2013年的事件,与《赫马法官委员会关于该行业骚扰问题的报告》的发布同时发生。 The claims date back to incidents in 2008 and 2013, coinciding with the release of the Justice Hema Committee Report on harassment in the industry. 在他配合调查时,Jayasurya对指控对其家庭的影响表示关切。 As he cooperates with the investigation, Jayasurya expresses concern over the allegations' impact on his family. 在这些指控中,其他几个行业的数字也在审查之中。 Several other industry figures are also under scrutiny amid these allegations.